Service Level Agreements

Service Agreements

Sam’s Service Level Agreements module provides a centralized repository for all your ongoing contracts with customers. 

It defines precisely the services you are providing to your customers and the expected level or standard for those services. 

Furthermore, it provides a summary of costs.

Agreements and service Levels

With SAM’s Service Level Agreements module, you can manage the assets assigned to agreements (e.g., leases and warranties) with all your clients. 

You can create intra-organizational agreements and track the activity of each asset associated with an agreement. 

The Job Management and Service module places a strong emphasis on the setup of agreements and agreement assets for the ongoing management of assets with contractual ties.



Over and above these specific benefits, there are also a wealth of general benefits that come with using SLAs.

Why Sevice Agreement?

If you provide or receive services, you should have a comprehensive service agreement in place. 

Agreements ensures that your customers know their rights and responsibilities under the agreement, and what to do if anything goes wrong. 

The module allows you to outline the consequences for performing services inadequately or failing to provide them on-time. 

In the event of a legal dispute, a service agreement can provide clarity on who is liable for any losses and make resolution easier.

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