Sage 50 Pricelist Editor

Sage 50 Pricelist Editor

Seamless Integration

Sage 50 Pricelist Editor is an incredible tool designed to streamline the management of your Sage 50 Accounts pricelists. Its primary purpose is to save you time and effort. Additionally, with this software, you can effortlessly export your pricelist to an Excel spreadsheet. Allowing for easy updating and modification.

Gone are the days of manually inputting updated information back into Sage 50 Accounts. Instead, the Sage 50 PriceList Editor simplifies the process by enabling you to re-import your updated pricelist directly into your accounting software.

Sage 50 PriceList Editor

Importing to Excel

Why export your price listto Excel in the first place? Well, there are numerous benefits to doing so! Firstly, it allows you to filter and search through your pricelist effortlessly. Enabling you to locate the information you need quickly, without the need to navigate through your accounting software.

Sage Pricelist Editor

Furthermore, Excel provides powerful tools for sorting and manipulating data. Allowing you to effortlessly update prices for specific customers or product lines.

Experience the unparalleled ease and efficiency of managing your pricelist with the Sage 50 PriceList Editor. Our software is meticulously crafted with user-friendliness in mind. Aiming to deliver a seamless integration experience with both Sage Accounts 50 and Microsoft Excel.


We have ensured that configuring our software to communicate with Sage Accounts is a straightforward task requiring minimal effort. Once set up, exporting your price lists is a breeze. Requiring only a single click of a button, and our software takes care of the rest.

Price Listg Editor

The Sage 50 PriceList Editor automatically opens the worksheet in Excel, where you’ll find all the price lists for your customers conveniently displayed in one place, simplifying the management and tracking of your business pricing information.

Our software reduces the necessity for manual data entry and ensures that your pricing lists are updated accurately and efficiently. Moreover, the worksheet includes two additional features for price adjustments, allowing for percentage markup or fixed amounts to be applied

Compare Prices

Individual prices can be easily adjusted and compared with your product sales prices, giving you a clear indication of discounting or profitability.  Filtering can be achieved easily using the built-in Excel column filtering functions, and the price adjustment functions are always displayed alongside your filtered prices.

SAM Pricelist editor

After you have made your price adjustments, save your worksheets to the designated Sage 50 PriceList Editor folder, and then re-import the prices back into Sage with a single button click.

The Sage 50 PriceList Editor offers a full logging function to record all transactions that occur with Sage 50 Accounts, and all price list worksheets receive a unique date-stamped name for easy identification.

Sage 50 Pricelist Editor

he Sage Price List Editor for Sage 50 Accounts is a solution that provides a simple and productive way to export Sage price lists into Excel, edit and update them, and then re-import the price list back into Sage 50 Accounts.

The price list editor can work stand-alone or can be integrated with our Sage Fast Order solution.

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